Found an interesting post..

How to make love!
"First of all you have to learn how to calm down after heart break, second you have to learn that 90% give up will happen, after these 2 it is very easy! Just fall in love and say this "I love you", during that you will know love game rules better than past and you will know the real meaning of it....."
It's kinda true.
Or maybe I should say, it's a truth.
When you are ready to love, you are ready for being hurt or to hurt as well.
After being hurt, are you ready to put your heart at risk again?
For those who already got hurt, first off, do they still have the same "virgin" heart left after being hurt terribly in love?
Secondly, if they think they got some "piece" of heart to give to someone else, aren't they going to destroy that wonderful person's life by never ever giving them the 100% of the "person" that they deserve?
Let's have a different perspective, viewing it from a perspective of riding a bicycle. When we first get on the bike, we fall down because we lose our balance, but we get up and try again and we fall again and sometimes with more scars and bruises than before, but we get up over and over again till we learn how to properly ride that bike.
Unfortunately, when we get involved in the game of love, some people refuse to let someone hurt them again so they remain distant and unattached. They refuse to let themselves get close to any one ever again.
I have been hurt too, and yes it is difficult to imagine loving again. Scared of getting hurt again but I have to have faith and believe that there are people out there who are real.
*more to an imagination*
I told myself, NEVER EVER put myself in a position to get hurt again. NEVER! But who knows?
“It's hard to pretend you love someone when you don’t but it's harder to pretend that you don’t love someone when you really do”
Pretending I am not caring, showing "not-my-business" kind of face, trying to be ignorance. Unless you make me smile, a real smile. Unless you are worth it.